Atmospheric Generation System. The 2.5L jar will hold up to 12 disposable plastic petri dishes. The jar’s polycarbonate base is secured to the lid by four spring loaded clips. The clips themselves allow self-venting in the unlikely event of a pressure build up. A carrying handle is also provided, enabling the jar to be transported safely between the bench and the incubator.
An easy to operate vacuum relief screw permits the inlet of air to the jar, thus overcoming any difficulty which could be caused by the presence of negative pressure.
The Anaerojar is lightweight and robust with excellent space saving features; there are no external clamps or protruding valves and the carrying handle tucks away into the lid of the jar itself.
Anaerogen is a kit for use with the Anaerojar. It produces an anaerobic atmosphere rapidly without the use of water or catalyst. No hydrogen is produced. The oxygen is absorbed rapidly without build up of pressure. The final atmosphere contains less than 1% oxygen supplemented with carbon dioxide - ideal for optimum growth of anaerobes and increased colony size.
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