Minimum Essential Medium Eagle has been used to maintain:immature cumulus-oocyte complexes from micehuman mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)mouse pre-osteoblastic cell line
General description
This is the most enriched variation of the MEM formulation offered. It contains all 21 normal amino acids, some at increased concentrations. In addition, it contains 5 additional vitamins.
Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (MEM) is a synthetic cell culture media, developed by Harry Eagle. It has higher concentrations of amino acids so the medium more closely approximates the protein composition of cultured mammalian cells. Optional supplementation of non-essential amino acids to the formulations that incorporate either Hanks′ or Earle′s salts has enhanced the uses of this medium. The α modification of MEM with Earle′s balanced salts also known as αMEM, contains non-essential amino acids, sodium pyruvate, and additional vitamins.
Supplement with 0.292 g/L L-glutamine.
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