The OmiPAGE 2-D systems include both modules required for slab gel and First Dimension electrophoresis and accessories to provide a complete Mini, Mini Wide or Maxi 2D system.
- Dedicated system available for 2-D electrophoresis using capillary gel IEF, formats include:
- 10 x 10cm
- 20 x 10cm
- 20 x 20cm
- Tube gel inserts run up to 10 capillary ampholyte gels
- Generate 2D data within a day using (CVS10C2DS) mini system
- 2-D prep combs also run on 2nd dimension slab gels overlaid with 7cm (Mini) and 18cm (Mini Wide and Maxi) IPG strips.
- Cooling as standard
* screw clamps
> sliding clamps
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