illustra Bacteria genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit - 50 Preparations

Code: 28904258 D2-84

Bacteria genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit is designed for the rapid extraction and purification of high molecular weight genomic DNA (gDNA) from Gram-negative (G-) and Gram-positive (G+) bacteria.


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Your Price
£229.00 EACH
£274.80 inc. VAT

Bacteria genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit is designed for the rapid extraction and purification of high molecular weight genomic DNA (gDNA) from Gram-negative (G-) and Gram-positive (G+) bacteria.

  • Total DNA extraction time under one hour with reduced lysis time
  • Can be used to purify 4 to 8µg of genomic DNA from 2 × 109 bacteria cells with input amounts ranging from 1 × 109 to 4 × 109 bacteria cells
  • Spin columns, prepacked with a silica membrane, provide excellent reproducibility and consistency
  • Verified in several downstream applications including RT PCR, long PCR, and restriction enzyme digests
  • Color-coded for ease of use

Most bacteria have a genome that consists of a single DNA molecule (i.e., one chromosome that is several million base pairs in size and is ""circular"": without ends like the chromosomes of eukaryotic organisms). In addition, bacteria may have one or more smaller circular DNA molecules, called plasmids, that usually contain non-essential genes.

Genomic DNA is found in the chromosomes and it is much longer and higher in molecular weight than plasmid DNA. Genomic DNA is the code for the genome, and this is what is needed to do genome sequencing, and for applications such as bacterial genotyping and microbiome sequencing.

For sequencing it is desirable that the bacterial DNA extraction methods used allow the collection of intact genomic DNA in the longest fragments possible. A genomic DNA kit format can help standardize the procedures used to prepare bacterial genomic DNA samples for further analysis.

Bacteria genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit can be used for genomic DNA extraction from a wide range of bacterial strains such as DH5α, TOP10, JM109, Bacillus subtilis, etc.

The kit produces highly pure and intact genomic DNA with A260/A280 values of 1.75 to 1.85. This provides DNA at concentrations suitable for downstream applications such as bacterial genotyping and microbiome testing for bacteria identification, as well as more standard techniques such as restriction enzyme digestion, RT-PCR, and long PCR.

The method uses a lysis solution in combination with proteinase K to gently release genomic DNA into solution from bacterial cells. The DNA is deproteinated in the extraction solution and the genomic DNA is then bound onto a silica column in the presence of chaotropic solution. Contaminants are removed during wash steps and the purified DNA is eluted with prewarmed TE solution.

Unit Size
List Price
List Price: £988.00
Source:List Price
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