Accuris High Fidelity Hot Start Master Mix - 200 Reactions

Code: pcr1622 D2-27

For applications requiring highly accurate amplification, Accuris offers a range of high fidelity PCR options. The proofreading enzymes are modified for better sensitivity and higher activity, and ...

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£193.00 EACH
£231.60 inc. VAT

For applications requiring highly accurate amplification, Accuris offers a range of high fidelity PCR options. The proofreading enzymes are modified for better sensitivity and higher activity, and this ensures more reproducible performance with a wide range of targets. Accuris High Fidelity Hot Start Mix is a hot start 2x formulation which provides excellent sensitivity in low-copy number assays with 10x higher fidelity than Taq polymerase. The 2x master-mix contains proprietary enhancers, and an antibody mediated hot-start polymerase with proof-reading component for trouble-free PCR reaction assembly and performance. The pre-optimised Hot Start Master Mix is supplied in a single tube, reducing the number of pipetting steps while improving throughput and reproducibility. The highly efficient buffer formulation and hot-start blend provide the ideal conditions for high-performance PCR and inactivity at room temperature thereby eliminating non-specific amplification.

  • Leaves an A-overhang for TA cloning
  • 10x fidelity of native Taq
  • Ideal for difficult, high GC content sequences up to 10kb

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List Price: £195.00
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List Price: £433.00
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List Price: £433.00
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