Sephadex is a gel filtration medium prepared by crosslinking dextran with epichlorohydrin. Different types of Sephadex differ in their degree of cross-linking and hence in their degree of swelling and their molecular fractionation range. Sephadex ranges from G-10 for small molecules to G-100 for larger molecules. Sephadex G-50 is available in 4 different particle sizes (Coarse, Medium, Fine & Superfine) and Superfine has the smallest bead size for higher efficiency fractionation with shorter diffusion distances. Coarse and Medium are are preferred for large scale group separations where high flow rates and low operating pressures are required.
- Quickly desalts, removes contaminants and transfers to a new buffer in a single step
- Suitable for buffer exchange and cleanup of biological samples, for example peptides, small proteins, and oligosaccharides larger than 700 molecular weight
- Efficient removal of contaminants such as salts, dyes, and radioactive labels
- Lowest exclusion limit (700 molecular weight) in the Sephadex G-range
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