The new arium® water systems from Sartorius offer a broad range of units that can product ASTM Type 1,2 or 3 quality water.
· Just automatically optimises product water quality and recovery from the RO membrane
· Optional arium® bagtank storage system protects pure water against secondary airborne contamination, eliminating the need for sanitisation and hazardous cleaning chemicals
· Touch screen display provides access to an intuitive menu driven system
· Integrated pressure controller and feed water conductivity measurement is standard feature
· Available as an under bench, bench top or wall mounted configuration, dispensing units can be remotely positioned
· Meets and exceeds ASTM Type 1 standards, high retention rates for RNases, DNases and endotoxins, and reduces TOCs
· SOP Monitoring; arium® systems provide graphic and acoustic signals for maintenance prompts and alarm messages when limits are exceeded
The arium® pro series offers a flexible and modular system which is cost effective. All systems meet and exceed the ASTM Type 1 water quality standards and can dispense up to 120l of consistently high-quality ultrapure water with a conductivity of 0.055 µS/cm (18.2Meg-ohm/cm) each hour which is virtually microorganism-free when a Sartopore® 2 150 end filter is used. The patented Sartorius technology, SD cardslot, long service life, and low maintenance requirement mean that the arium® pro systems are easy-to-use, efficient and reliable whilst the modular approach means that systems can be tailored to specific applications.
- Options of UV and Ultrafiltration
- Cartridge packs available for analytical, biological, standard and feedwater applications
- Option of a TOC monitor
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